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Thursday, August 4, 2011


Because we like Daniele a lot more than her father does, we are here now thrilled that Kalia is the new HoH.  Sure, there are internet rumors that all Kalia does is complain and eat and emit gasses and guzzle milk of magnesia and warm the house's only toilet seat but now she can add nominate for eviction to that list of chores and she has Daniele's back, and may even do whatever Dani says she should. Yes.

In jackass news: Dick's got a lot of nerve, it's probably a little easier to evaluate Season 13's gameplay from an empty livingroom, if only he held the same faith in Daniele that she demonstrates for herself in her HoH Blog. Jackass.

Other jackasses tonight include: 
Jeff and Jordan.  Done with hearing how you "just wanted to spend the summer together." You could have done that in, literally, a zillion other places than on my tv, so stop.

Lawon.  For that look of disbelief he gave when he was swiftly disqualified from a competition.

"Nobody in this game cares for anyone but themselves!" --Rachel Reilly

CBS.  For completely glossing over Brendon's inherent gros-il-grotesque assholitry.  A library of live feeds has proof that this guy is a complete dink, that when push comes to shove he point his cro-magnus toward the Achilles heel with wide-ranging, Lowest Common Denominator ammunition.  He just makes himself look like a complete dink in a hammock or in a DR or in front of a laptop, but CBS just keeps marketing him as this chivalrous sword-taking stud for Rachel, as some honorable dumpster monogamist, but thankfully Rachel puts CBS in its place by pointing out that this week's HoH comp was clearly rigged, because obviously it's aeronautically impossible for her to lose an HoH, what's she gonna dust off her shoulders now. And to a newbie??  Muuuaahahhhaaahhhaaa.

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