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Wednesday, July 13, 2011

CBS Perverts

Sensationalism sometimes is the only news on Libbytown streets, it's not this blog's fault it is forced to report on CBS's obsession with Brenchel, Penisgate, and Brendon's penis. CBS has been promoting the relationship of (fame-crazed, self-loathsome) Brenchel for over a year with reports on their engagement, their Penisgate, and now CBS has provided them easy Week 1 HOH and POV wins so viewers might tune in to their r'ship drama.  When the drama doesn't happen (just a matter of time) the edits from Wednesday's POV competition prompt viewers to question information, like why after Jordan's DR comments on the "one focal point" of the super leotards, we viewers see Keith (Keith's crotch) and Jeff (Jeff's crotch), but we don't see Brendon('s). The Libbytown subconscious wonders, Does Brendon bulge, Google? And then when Brenchel trot around in their supersuits, Brendon incontestably conceals his crotch from cameras.  Yet then we see B&R kunoodle in the shower (he's still a man, remember!) privately, and at last, the cameras follow Brendon's designer-jean'd crotch from the DR to the POV ceremony, coinky-dong?  Obviously CBS wants viewers to Google-bing Brendon's penis, they love Penisgate, what a bunch of pervs!!!

1 comment:

  1. Everything OK in L Town?
    So what is Thursday take?
    Glad Keith's gone.
