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Saturday, July 9, 2011

Methodickal Planning?

Oh God, it's good he's gone, it is too easy, too tempting to manually insert the man's name into every word of the dicktionary, d'oh!! Online readers may still be gasping over Evel Dick's departure, but the Live Feed subscribers know that the show must go on, and thusly gone on have they. There's no Live Feed reception available in the impoverished region of Libbytown, so hereabouts, the departed-Dick gasping gapes on. Naturally the show's fans have been sharing questions and speculations about the exit, and now E.D. has tweeted to bed the popular rumor that he was in jail by posting that he's not, that no one's sick, that he was not kicked off, just that his primary concern was to promote, does he own that site or something? This season's BB jobline featured him as a CEO of an internet venture, or something cheezily similar. Suspect the already-exited, a lot of this reeks of CBS Factory pollution, yet the sight of this video found on Bitchy Big Brother Blog throws me off:

Kindly Rocky Mountain Grampah Dick seems sort of sincere in his newfound summer plans, at all? I guess further tuning-in is needed to form a better opinion. How much of a methodical dick is Dick? Only time will indickate (whuh-oops tell, I meant tell) tell.