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Friday, July 29, 2011

Donato for Mayor of Libbytown

Not only did Daniele vote against the Vets, but girl went on a vengeance and won HOH and then delivered Brenchel a Clifford-sized what-fer! when they came groveling to her in the HOH room. Spank! Word on the interweb street is that Daniele is avenging her house/soul mate and breaking up the Vet alliance and is targeting Brenchel. No protests here in Libbytown, but maybe just the slightest evermost hopeful twinkle-wishes that our Mayor Candidate breaks up Jeff/Jordan instead. As dreadful as Brenchel is, they're sort of pitiful in comparison to the seemingly more privileged J/J, and besides, it was Jeff who was so dominant about getting Dom out. But still, respecting Dani in her win and her choices, for now.

And *just*now* Libbytown wire has received word on nominations. Interested readers may click here for more info.


  1. Then maybe she'll backdoor Jeff after all, muuaahhaahaaa.

  2. noooo! I don't wanna hear anything about J/J getting backdoored. *pout* you know how I feel. Let's just get Brenchel out the door...that I'd be fine with.
