Jeff and Brendon HOH talking about how awkeard the house is right now. Brendon starts talking about how stupid the other group is, “I just want to win to get these people out.. they don’t deserve to be in this house”. Jeff agrees they call Kalia and Dani stupid a couple dozen times (standard for these guys everyone is a idiot but themselves). Dom joins them, Jeff: “What are you going to do jam a pool que up our asses” Dom laughs says that was last night he came up to talk (Last night Dom played a perfect game of pool) Dom says he knows he’s going home he just wants to clear things up before he goes, “Hands down I never said to backdoor Jeff”. Brendon: “I’ll admit I don’t remember everything perfectly so I don’t know what I heard exactly”. Jeff says it doesn’t matter if Dom said it or not he was all part of it. Jeff thought it was a little suspicious that after the veto was won Dom was acting a bit too relaxed for someone to be on the block. Jeff explains that he wanted to keep Dom 100% but then he started hearing about backdooring Jeff, Dani started to act funny and then Jeff heard that Dom threw the veto and that got him thinking that maybe Something was up. Jeff says they all know who started the backdoor thing, Jeff: “You knew about that plan to backdoor me… why didn’t you say something to me at the time… it easy say hey look Jeff’s my buddy lets not backdoor him”
Dom says he never thought that the backdoor plan would work he just disregarded it.. Dom tries to explain how difficult it would be for Dom to go up and tell Jeff that the house is trying to get him backdoored, “hey Jeff someone is going to backdoor your.. You didn’t trust me if I would of told you that you would of said go fuck off you’re going home”. Dom states that there is no way anyone will get into the final for this year, “You 4 will not crack so the other players are trying to figure it out”
Jeff: “Dude what are the chances that the 4 of us making to the final 4″
Dom: “it’s very good”
Jeff: “Dude Jordan won in our season this is big brother anything can happen”
Dom: “How can you guys tell me that you would pick me over your pairs it’s not going to happen”
Brendon: “You guys all think we’re going to make it to the end”
Dom: “YES you are”
Dom: “Let me get this straight i’m going home because you heard from someone that they wanted to backdoor you and I was friends with that person”
Jeff: “You an accessory to backdooring me…. you should of put a stop to it when Dani suggested it”
Brendon: “What did she tell you.. did she tell you that she was going to get us turn on each other”
Dom: “I’m not going to through her under the bus”
Brendon: “She screwied you over you know that right”
Brendon: “Dani has no chance in this game anymore… if she was such a smart player she should of gotten you all to shut your mouths about backdooring jeff”
Dom: “Last week I would of been gone if I had not won the Veto… I was alone playign a game.. Shelly and Casi were making deals with everyone adam I can’t trust… and you guys didn’t trust me so I needed Dani”
Jeff: “You could of picked us”
Dom: “You guys never trusted me.. Dani was my only way in, I had to get with her so you guys would trust me.” He tries to remind them that he was on the block last week and was suppose to go home because of them.
rachel joins them.
Brendon tells him he should of just gone up to BRJJ as soon as Dani started talking about Backdooring Jeff then we would of taken Dani’s spot in the group. Brendon: “She screwed you man”. Dom sticks to his story says he never thought the plan to Backdoor Jeff was going to happen he thought it was too stupid to actually become a reality.. Dom: “I never said to backdoor Jeff I wanted Lawon gone” Rachel blurts in says that she never heard DOm say that. Dom says he said it on the bed.. Brendon agrees he heard it.
Dom : “Is there any shot in hell that I can mend this”
Brendon and Jeff say they can’t trust Dani anymore nor can they trust dom. Jeff: “dani made the biggest dumbest move in the game and she prides herself to be this great big brother player … she did the stupidest move.. we would be the on the same sheet of paper for dumb moves if we kept you it would go Dani and then us” Dom says that he never thought the whole backdooring thing would come back to him because it was all dani’s idea. Jeff says there’s no way Dom is staying unless he can magically change spaces with Dani which isn’t going to happen… “you gone.”
Real "fair" and the arrogance is impossible, singleton players being chastised for playing the game, please! Jeff, what a tool, proclaiming how idiot bizarre the game is when someone like Jordan can win the same season he played? Boo, CBS! All year long the buzz was that this would be a full-on All-Star season, we're usually fairly forgiving with "The Twist" fails but this one is shameful. Callin' it from the pulpit: SHAAAAAAAAAAAAAMMMMMEEEEEE!! Hopefully, L'town's just overreacting over the presumable loss of Dominic and Jeff/Jordan and Brenchel will turn on one another before the Final 4, we'll see.
In other nooz, tomorrow Libbytown's Celebration Department will be busy on a birthday tour for BB friend Laurie (Happy Birthday, Laurie!!!) so there will be no post-show update tomorrow night. Looking forward to Thursday, and to a new HoH!
That was fun reading. Happy birthday Laurie. So it's CBS and the Gov. of WI...SHAAAAAMMMMMMMEEEEE!